Achieve Your Business Goals With Our Logistic Solutions
Integrated Logistics, Inc. has earned the reputation of being one of the best logistics solution providers. Today, we continue to provide exceptional service to our customers and help them achieve their goals.
Logistics Solutions
Strategic Delivery Planning
This process helps companies build new services, sales territories, and replenish strategies. Because of this, you can organize a plan to maximize customer service and profit.
Create territories for sales and delivery. You can also service schedules for regularly occurring deliveries.
Strategic Delivery Planning performs complex service scheduling that simultaneously considers daily, weekly, and multi-week deliveries. These include holidays and other non-working days.
Evaluate geographic distribution and sales potential for each customer to help establish optimal territories and routes. To determine routes and route schedules for sales, delivery, or both, we consider factors like:
• Minimizing Travel Time and Related Costs
• Balancing Opportunities in the Sales Team
• Additional Parameters• Stops
• Distance (Miles)
• Sales Volume
Daily Route Planning
This solution allows companies to accelerate their ability to continuously create reliable routes using fewer trucks, miles, and drivers.
It proactively builds daily delivery schedules and routes.
As each new order is placed, the Daily Route Planning solution re-optimizes in real-time to:
• Allocate resources to help maximize operating efficiencies
• Deliver priority service to the most profitable accounts and routes
• Maintain overall customer service objectives -
It is designed to integrate easily with existing order management or transportation planning systems. Daily Route Planning also helps companies reduce costs because of shorter routes, reduced fuel consumption, and enhanced fleet utilization.
On-Demand Fleet Management
This service allows easy and affordable ways to plan, optimize, dispatch routes, and track and monitor delivery fleets in real time.
The On-Demand Fleet Management solution combines sophisticated functionality with the simplicity of service delivery built to run on the web.
It optimizes both static routes and dynamic routes to maximize efficiency. To do that, it takes into account geographic zones, time windows, and other physical constraints when planning delivery fleets.
This management service also provides dispatchers, managers, and customer service representatives with a real-time, global view of driver movement and delivery status across an entire enterprise. It drives out operational inefficiencies, ultimately cutting costs and improving customer service.
GPS and Automated Vehicle Locator (AVL)
This specific solution helps integrate planning, dispatch, delivery status, and wireless communications.
AVL provides delivery dispatch, monitoring, and two-way wireless communications.
It helps improve customer responsiveness through real-time status updates, forward predictability, and enhanced exception alerting. These reduce the need to track every aspect of a schedule and emphasize the implications of service interruptions and exceptions.
Contact Us
For any questions or concerns about what we offer, connect with us.